Dee Mathis Claims Victory at The Marble Palace
Originally posted by CityStink
November 16, 2011
Augusta, GA
Dee Mathis and her allies reigned victorious after the Nov 15th Augusta Commission meeting in halting approval of a proposed overlay zoning district for the Laney-Walker/Bethlehem neighborhood. You can read more about the background over this here: Commission Set to Vote Today on Overlay Zone.
Bringing a flock of supporters, Dee Mathis was joined by veteran property rights advocate, Al Gray, in making oral presentations before the commissioners as to why they should deny approving the application for the overlay zone as submitted by the developer.
In the end a majority of commissioners, in a 4-6 vote, sided with Ms Mathis and Mr Gray and denied the application. A second motion was approved that would have the commission revisit the overlay proposal at the first scheduled commission meeting in January 2012. You can watch videos of the proceedings at the commission meeting below.
Al Gray’s Presentation:
Dee Mathis’ Presentation:
Video courtesy of Kurt Huttar
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great job!!